Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday May 3, 2011

We started todays class by going over the reading assignment that was due today, which is on pg. 29 in your packet.

b. N
c. WB
d. SB
e. WB
f. WB
g. N
h. N
2. c
3. d
4. d
5. d or b
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. c and d
10. c
11. FALSE—NaF is basic
12. a,b,c
13. d
14. b
15. a. neutral
b. basic
c. acidic
16. c

After going over the reading sheet we turned to pg. 5 in our packet to do #10 a and b. These problems are just like the ones on the previous page except these are for weak bases. As we were doing them we found that it involved the exact same process for both acids and bases. The only difference was that for acids they will ask for the Ka expression and for bases they will ask for the Kb expression.

We briefly went over Will’s blog which talked about what we did on page 4. Afterwards we moved on to page 8 #20. This problem was a little different because this time you are given the X value and told to solve for the Ka expression instead of the other way around.

When we finished with the packet pages for the day, we started Lab AB2 called Indicators. The purpose is to use indicators to determine the approximate pH of serveral acid, base, and salt solutions (5 in total). Here is a picture/example of what we have done so far…

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