Sunday, May 1, 2011

Friday April 29th

Class began with collecting the answers from a reading sheet webassign which had previously been for homework. This can be found on page #25 of your packet.

CHAPTER 13.2-3 pH, pOH and the Ion Product of Water
1. b able to both accpet and donate a proton.

2. a H+ and b OH-

3. d 1.0x10e-14 = [H+] x [OH-]

4. a the dissociation of water into its ions

5. neutral

6. a increases

7. c 2e-7 M

8. b decreases

9. b basic

10. a acidic

11. b lower, acidic

12. basic

13. c 11.0

14. d the conjugate acid of water in an acid is ionization

15.d HNO3(aq) + H2O --> [H3O+](aq) + [NO3-](aq)

16. b pH=1

17. a [Na+]=0.50 M, [OH-]=0.50 M, and [H+]=2.0e-14 M

18. d Use a stoichiometric calculation

*Mr. Henderson pointed out that we should write down the equations/formulas on the right side of the page on a notecard*


  • [H3O+] x [OH-] = 1.0e-14

  • [H+] x [OH-] = 1.0e-14

  • pH= -log[H3O+]

  • pH= -log[H+]

  • [H3O+]=[H+]=10^(-pH)

  • pOH= -log[OH-]

  • [OH-]= 10^(-pOH)

  • pH + pOH = 14 (at 25 degrees C)

We then turned to page #4 where we worked on #9 part a.

a. the first step is to write the equation

H2O + HCN <---> [H3O+] + [CN-]

I 2.0 0 0

C -x +x +x

E 2-x x x

Ka expression= ([CN-] x [H3O+])/[HCN]



This is when the 5% approximation comes into play. This says that since the value of x is so small that it can just be ignored in the 2-x part of the equation.

3.5e-5 M=[CN-]=[H3O+]

We then turned to page #6 to finish the table in probblem 12 and work on question #13

12. [H3O+] [OH-] pH pOH acidic or basic?

1.0e-2 1.0e-13 2.00 12.00 acidic

1.0e-11 1.0e-3 11.00 3.00 basic

1.0e-5 1.0e-9 5.00 9.00 acidic

1.0e-3 1.0e-11 3.00 11.00 acidic

1.0e-7 1.0e-7 7.00 7.00 neutral

2.0e-14 5.0e-2 13.70 0.30 basic

6.0 1.67e-15 -0.78 14.78 acidic

2.5e-15 4.0 14.60 -0.60 basic

13. a. [H+]= 2.0 M

pH= -log(2.0)=-0.30

b. [OH-]= 2.0 M

pOH= -log(2.0)= -0.30

pH= 14.30

c. [OH-]= 0.100 M

pOH= -log(0.100)=1.00-->pH=13.00

Review of the six strong basses:Li, Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba

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