Delicious Assignment

Delicious is a social bookmarking website found at Bookmarks saved on Delicious are not like bookmarks saved your home computer. Because Delicious is a social bookmarking website, you can access your Delicious bookmarks from any computer that has an internet connection. And because Delicious is a social bookmarking website, you will have access to your own bookmarks and those of other Delicious users. Each bookmark is saved with tags (i.e., keywords) allowing a Delicious user to search all bookmarks with a given tag.

The Assignment:
Every unit each student in the class will create a Delicious bookmark of a useful chemistry web page that contains information pertinent to the topics of the unit. We will tag our bookmarks with three key search terms (hcp2y1011 or hcp3y1011, unit1 or unit2 or ..., and firstNameLastInitial) and gather them together as a group to assist each other in preparation for the unit test. Your bookmark will be due a few days before the unit test. Our class's bookmarks will then be available on our course page and our blog page.

(Two screencasts demonstrating the process described below are available at our course page.)
  1. Open a browser and go to the Delicious website (
  2. If you do not already have a Delicious account, then you will have to create one. Click on the Join Now button. Yahoo now owns Delicious so you will be creating a Yahoo account. (If you have a Yahool email, then you can use it to sign on.) As you create the account, record your account info (username and password) in a trusted location (such as your course notebook). 
  3. Sign in to your Delicious account by clicking on the Sign In button and filling in the two fields.
  4. Optional: set up your home computer to have a bookmarklet in the Bookmarks Toolbar.

    a. Click on the Save a New Bookmark link (on right side of page, near top). A new page appears.
    b. Click on the Bookmarking Tools link. A new page appears.
    c. Click on the Bookmarklet buttons for any browser link. A new page appears.
    d. The directions for adding a bookmarklet are different for different browsers. Find the directions for the browser you use and follow the three stop directions. Once complete, 1-2 new buttons will be added to your browser's Bookmarks Toolbar.
  5. Open a second browser window (or tab) and go to the Google website (or your preferred search engine). Conduct a keyword search (e.g., significant digits, measurement in chemistry, mixtures, elements vs. compounds, scientific notation, chemical vs. physical properties, chemical vs. physical change, etc.). Select a search term for a topic which you could use some help on. 
  6. Find a useful web page, study/use the web page, and brush up on your chemistry. Once a useful page has been found, prepare to bookmark it.
  7. If you have set up your browser with a bookmarklet (step 4), then click on the Bookmark on Delicious link in the Bookmarks Toolbar of your browser; the Save Bookmarks page appears. If you have not done step #4 above, then highlight the URL/address of the page. Select Edit ... Copy. Then go to your Delicious page (separate window) and click on the Save a New Bookmark link. Paste the URL/address into the URL field and click on the Next button. 
  8. Fill in the Title field (if not already filled). The title field contains the title of the bookmarked page.
  9. Fill in the Notes field as follows:

    Identify the topic of the page (e.g., significant digits).
    Describe the type of content on the page (e.g., tutorial/lesson, practice, animation, video, combination of ...).
    Describe who would benefit from the page (a person who is totally lost, someone needing to brush up, someone wanting additional practice).
  10. Fill in the Tags field. The following three tags are required for credit. They must be typed correctly.

    Unique course tag: enter hcp2y1011 for Period 2 students;  hcp3y1011 for Period 3 students.
    Unit: enter unit1 (a single word; no spaces) for Unit 1 assignment; enter unit2 for ....
    Name:  enter first name and last initial (a single word; no spaces); John Doe enters JohnD.
  11. Click the Save button. You are done with your assignment.